New framework for monitoring equality and human rights
A new framework for assessing the state of equality and human rights in the UK has been developed for the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Government Equalities Office by a team based at the London School of Economics. The framework monitors the central and valuable things in life and is particularly concerned with the position of individuals and groups according to their individual characteristics.
After extensive consultations across Britain, with people involved in making policies and delivering services, with the general public and with groups at particular risk of discrimination and disadvantage, consensus was reached on a list of fundamental things people need in order to thrive in life.
The Equality Measurement Framework (EMF)contains an initial list of 48 ‘indicators’ to cover this range, including things such as being healthy, engaging in lifelong learning, an adequate standard of living, physical and legal security, and the right to self-expression. The EMF aims to monitor how people are doing, how they are treated by others, and the level of choice and control they have in various aspects of their lives.
A web-based tool will be developed early next year, making the data accessible to anyone with an interest in promoting equality and human rights in Britain. The web-tool will show how individuals and groups are faring in relation to the 48 indicators to provide an up-to-date benchmark on the state play in the UK.
This provides summary information and comment on the subject areas covered. Where employment tribunal and appellate court cases are reported, the information does not set out all of the facts, the legal arguments presented and the judgments made in every aspect of the case. Employment law is subject to constant change either by statute or by interpretation by the courts. While every care has been taken in compiling this information, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Specialist legal advice must be taken on any legal issues that may arise before embarking upon any formal course of action.