Physical health benefits, which support employees with medical conditions or illnesses, and promote physical wellbeing, are increasingly important in today’s workplace.
More than four in ten (44pc) Irish employees rank cancer support as the second most valuable physical health benefit in the workplace while more than half (52pc) say age-related physical wellbeing services are the top perk in this space.
This is according to latest research*. where 1,000 individuals across Ireland were asked for their top three preferences in relation to physical, mental, and lifestyle employee benefits. Respondents were tasked with ranking the workplace benefits they deem most important, regardless of whether they are included in their employer’s offerings.
One of the most striking findings to emerge from this research is that age-related wellbeing services are the most valued workplace physical health benefit. These initiatives, designed to address the health needs associated with ageing, may include health screenings, fitness programs, nutritional counselling, and stress management programs—all of which are aimed at supporting the wellbeing of employees as they age. Given the growing life expectancy of the population, such age-related initiatives play a vital role in the continued health and wellness of employees.
Cancer support is the second most valued physical health benefit followed by chronic disease management, with four in ten respondents ranking it amongst their top physical health benefits. This highlights the growing importance of support and resources for individuals in the workplace affected by serious health concerns, reinforcing the need for robust workplace support structures.
Mental health benefits
When it comes to mental health benefits, Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) were the top ranked mental health perk of Irish employees, with one in two workers putting it top of this list. EAPs support employees in dealing with personal and professional challenges that may impact their well-being and performance. While specific offerings vary between employers, they can encompass counselling services, referrals to mental health professionals, assistance with stress management, financial counselling, and work-life support.
Some EAPs extend these benefits to partners and family members, making them a highly sought-after workplace benefit. When you consider the costs of paying for each of these supports out of your own pocket, the monetary value is enormous. However, EAP is only a short-term counselling solution, and in some cases may need to be aligned with longer-term or more specialist services.
Utilisation of EAP services is traditionally very low, at around 3pc. So, any investment in such a programme should be weighed against alternate ways of delivering mental health supports, in ways that meet the requirements of an organisation’s workforce. This should ideally include both preventative care and reactive care pathways.
The survey found that the second most valued mental health perk of workers is mental wellbeing and resilience workshops. The growing popularity of such workshops highlights that employees want to take a proactive approach to building mental resilience and developing coping strategies. Likewise, the preference for mental wellbeing and finance supports, favoured by four in ten, reflects an awareness of the close link between mental and financial wellbeing. Therefore, employers who want to attract and retain top-tier talent must look at their employee offerings through a holistic lens to address the multiple-faceted aspects of employees’ lives.
The research gives some really good insight into how age and gender impact people’s priorities when it comes to workplace benefits.
For example, while 31pc of men said they would put bereavement and trauma counselling in their top three mental health workplace benefits, almost half of all the female respondents (48pc) said they would do the same.
Furthermore, just 21pc in the 25-34 age category would prioritise access to counselling services when it comes to mental health benefits, but this rises significantly to 37pc of those aged 34-45.
Lifestyle benefits
Lifestyle benefits are non-salary benefits given to employees to improve their overall lifestyle and quality of life.
In order of preference, the top five lifestyle health benefits identified by workers were retail discounts (cited by 50pc as the top employee lifestyle perk), followed by financial education supports (cited by 40pc), access to a financial advisor (36pc), gym/club membership (34pc) and employee spending cards (32pc).
Retail discounts provide employees with the opportunity to purchase goods and services at a discounted price from the company they work for or from partnerships with external retailers. It allows employees to benefit from cost savings on their purchases, boosting their overall compensation package and demonstrating an employer’s value and appreciation of their staff.
Financial wellbeing supports such as access to financial education programs are on the rise, as evidenced by these survey results. Research also shows that concerns over personal finances are a primary driver of mental health issues. Employees are increasingly seeking meaningful benefits that enhance their understanding of personal finance matters and provide tailored advice and guidance to employees’ individual financial goals and challenges.
Age had a significant bearing on the lifestyle benefits favoured by workers.
For example, while just 8pc of the 18-24 age group would put ‘access to an independent financial advisor’ in their top three lifestyle perks, 43pc of the over 55s said they would.
This could indicate an education gap in that the younger cohort may not be aware of the benefits a financial advisor can deliver; they might switch off at the mention of the word ‘pension’ but if told the advice could help with how to purchase their first car, you might get a different reaction.
Stay abreast of employee attitudes towards perks
The world of work has changed – with dramatic changes in how and where work is done. With near full employment, and ever evolving employee needs, preferences, and lifestyle choices, salary is no longer a key differentiator in attracting talent. Typically, companies spend anywhere from 8pc to 16pc of their payroll costs on benefits, but is this creating true value-add? Is it resonating with the workforce by creating a compelling value proposition, communicated effectively, that reflects their needs and preferences, across all demographics at differing work and life stages?
A well-designed, clearly communicated, and effectively implemented benefits and wellbeing programme will lead to tangible ROI and value-add. The business case is compelling, with positive impacts on staff retention, productivity, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, lower sickness rates, faster return to work rates from illness, improved health and safety metrics (lowered risk register ratings, fewer claims), and alignment with DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) objectives.
Employers should periodically survey their employee population to stay abreast of needs, preferences, and attitudes towards benefit options. Establishing solid lines of communication, liaising with employee resource groups, and securing executive sponsorship will ensure that employees feel heard and respected. Ultimately, an employee who feels valued and supported is an employee who performs better at work and is happier in life.
[1] Conducted by iReach for Lockton People Solutions Employee Benefits Survey[1],