Each episode of The Apprentice will be scrutinised by Chloe Harrold, a senior employment lawyer with the progressive business services group, Outset, and she will pull out the HR blunders for your entertainment and education. Based in Maidstone TV Studios, watching out in case Lord Sugar lands on the helipad, Chloe has experience of advising employers and senior executives in all areas of employment law. She deals with contentious and non-contentious matters, including exit strategy, settlement agreements, discrimination, reorganisation and TUPE.
Chloe is also a qualified New York lawyer who qualified as a UK solicitor in 2009 whilst specialising in employment law at a City firm. Having spent several years working in the City she joined Outset in 2016.
Crowdfunding – On Yer Bike
It’s week 5 in the Apprentice world and Lord Sugar tells the teams to launch new cycling products by raising investment through crowdfunding, organising PR, a campaign video and pitching to retailers. How ironic, trying to convince people to invest, whilst on a reality show trying to convince someone to invest …
There’s lots going on this week and all of the candidates quickly get stuck into their tasks with vigour. Well, almost all of them, that is except for JD: “I’m happy to take a step back and just chill out” – if he chilled out much more he’d be asleep! JD you’re PM, stepping back and chilling out is pretty much the opposite to your job description.
Meanwhile, on Samuel’s team – what would be a great way of attracting attention in a noisy, busy, major London train station? Loud-speakers? Town crier? Nah, mime! To top it off, let’s do some social media posting and above all else get our spelling right – you say gilet, Trishna says gillet.
This week was painful to watch as it went from one cringe moment to another. Spelling mistakes, bickering, terrible pitching and totally inept performance. JD’s team had the better product, better PR stunt, actual give-aways to go with their crowd-funding and yet they failed. It just goes to show that no matter how good the product, a business can be badly hurt by underperformance. Failing to address performance issues early on will make it more difficult later down the line as employees get comfortable with their unchallenged way of doing things.
It was unsurprising to see JD sent on his bike, he was perfectly nice and un-annoying (is that a word?) but didn’t shine. As the numbers dwindle the candidates need to impress and JD’s tea making, laissez-faire leadership and apologies just weren’t going to cut it.
On the other hand, I feel another special mention for Karthik coming on … isn’t he doing well?? Lady Brady actually complimented him and, other than being a bit annoying during the campaign video filming, he seemed to stay on track, not offend anyone and deliver a good pitch. I can’t believe it, but I think I’m rooting for Karthik!
Next week is one of my favourite tasks – the candidates have to spend as little as possible buying the 9 items on Lord Sugar’s list and be back before 6am. Be prepared for bleary eyes and squishy tails.