When we work with organisations who have introduced flex work programmes it seems on the surface that they have done a great job of thinking through all of the options and risks, and to informing everyone just what it means to them, some even cover the business case and benefits on their communications.
We are often asked just why despite all of this some departments, groups and geographies do not seem to take up the option.We encourage them to look again and each time they do bias is discovered, often buried deeply in the practice of line managers and sometimes disguised by the “fact” about global responsibility or client demands. Often we see the damage done when benevolent (being kind and often without consulting the person you are trying to help – if unconscious you may not even recognise that you are doing it) bias is seen to privilege and allow flex work in one group – (parents with child care responsibilities for example) and not in another (i.e. choosing to build in a game of golf at 6pm every summer Thursday).
Surfacing and exposing the potential for unconscious bias is critical and we would go so far as to ensure that with each flex work introduction, a module reducing bias around flex work is undertaken.We must remember that ultimately we are looking to create inclusive environments where everyone can be fantastic, whatever their reason for choosing to work flexibily. It’s not the flex work that will add to the bottom line- it’s the contribution it makes to allowing people to bring all of themselves and their responsibilities and their choices to work that will make the business difference.