The total number of job vacancies advertised in the second and third quarter of 2016 was up by 1.63 percent on the same time period last year, according to data released by Recruitive Software.
Despite the total number of vacancies being up, the number of permanent positions advertised over the six month period was down 3.09 percent compared to 2015. Richard Clarke, Managing Director at Recruitive Software comments: “It’s encouraging to see that the job market as a whole remains buoyant, however the number of temporary positions advertised increased by 10.35 percent. August of this year saw the highest ever number of temporary positions advertised via our multi job posting technology, which suggests an element of uncertainty amongst firms in the wake of the Brexit vote.”
According to the recruitment software provider, applications were up by just over 1 percent year-on-year which supports CV Library’s latest figures which also reports an increase of 2.6 percent. In September of this year Recruitive saw an average of 31 applications per vacancy compared to 22 for both September 2015 and 2014. CV Library also reports a 3.3 percent increase in salaries whilst Recruitive’s data shows a huge increase (19 percent) in the number of vacancies being advertised with no specified salary. Richard comments; “These results show that despite elements of uncertainty for the future post Brexit, employers are still willing to pay competitive salaries in order to attract the right candidate.”
According to the statistics from Recruitive, sectors that experienced strongest growth levels include Catering, Automotive and Construction/Property, whilst Manufacturing, Engineering and Public Sectors all saw a decrease in the number of vacancies advertised over the same time period.