Following the publication of research by the Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) that suggests that 54,000 new mothers may be forced out of their jobs each year, enei chief executive Denise Keating comments.
“It is highly disappointing that in this day and age there are employers who do not value the contribution that new mothers can make to their workplace. Unlawful discrimination, on such a large scale, is shocking evidence that much more work is required in both educating new mothers of their rights under the Equality Act 2010 and educating business about the value that new mothers can bring.
“For a new mother, money is tight and time is tighter, and we would suggest that new mothers who are being forced out of their jobs are being let down by the justice system, with the current time limits and employment tribunal fees acting as a barrier to justice for these women. We would call on the Government to investigate whether employment tribunal fees in these cases are justified.”