In light of the ban on the use of exclusivity clauses in zero-hours contracts coming into force, ELAS, one of the UK’s leading employment law consultancies, has commented on how the announcement could benefit businesses.
Employment law consultant, Enrique Garcia, says: “Employers should welcome the recent news that exclusivity bans have been lifted from zero-hours contracts. With employees on zero-hours contracts now free to work between different companies, it may lead to more flexibility within the labour force, as well as creating a greater pool of prospective workers.”
Mr Garcia continued: “The ban will give employees greater financial freedom, thus ensuring better working standards. With zero-hours contracts being a highly contentious issue of the election, this step is a positive one and should have full support from the business community. Zero-hours contracts are a cost-effective and easy solution to staffing issues and managing resources in line with fluctuating customer demand and they indeed have their place in the employment market, but only when implemented in the proper manner. As it is now an illegal offence to ban staff on zero-hours contracts from working elsewhere, employers must ensure they adopt proper, legally sound working practices.”