Over half (56 percent) of workers in the public sector who would consider moving into the private sector, think they lack the appropriate skills to do so, according to research by recruitment consultants Badenoch & Clark. The findings bring into question whether those facing redundancy from the public sector can make the transition into the private sector.
More than two fifths (44 percent) of public sector workers said they did not feel they would need to retrain. A similar number of respondents (44 percent) said they hoped to remain in the public sector for life. Fears around appropriate skill sets are not confined to any one area of the public sector. Workers in Local Government emerged the most concerned, with two fifths (39 percent) stating they would need to retrain. This was closely followed by a slightly smaller number of Central Government employees (38 percent). Just under a third (30 percent) of NHS employees felt they would need to up skill.
Half (50 percent)of public sector workers believed that the results of the Spending Review would have a negative effect on staff retention across the public sector, with 57 percent suggesting that they are likely to move on from their current job in the near future. Staff retention emerged as a particular issue within Central Government with as two thirds (66 percent) stating that it will have a negative effect.
Nicola Linkleter, head of public sector recruitment at Badenoch & Clark, said: “This research highlights that the transition from the public sector to the private sector, for the 500,000 people expected to lose their jobs, may not be as easy as some have claimed. Not only must we question whether the private sector can pick up the slack in terms of volume, but there are clearly issues around how much support the public sector workers will require in order to make the move.
“Over the last ten years the public sector has developed a reputation as the employer of choice for millions. The announcements of last week have been a huge blow to this reputation and to the public sector employer brand. Our research reveals that 22 percent of workers are unsure what to expect from the spending cuts across their department, whilst 23 percent expect job losses and under staffing. Public sector managers must do all they can to communicate changes to their teams in order to eradicate the uncertainty many are feeling.”
In response to the Spending Review, Badenoch & Clark and Adecco, sister companies in the UK’s largest recruiter, Adecco Group UK & Ireland, have joined forces to help public sector workers across the UK cope with the anticipated jobs cull. Career clinics will take place from December 2010 through to March 2011 in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, London, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle and Nottingham. The aim of the clinics will be to aim public sector workers to transfer to the private sector, providing an understanding of the key skills and qualities private sector employers look for during the recruitment process. For more information, and to register for the events please visit: Nicola Linkleter, Head of public sector recruitment at Badenoch and Clark, comments: “Getting the right advice at this crucial time could be the difference between someone finding a new job or becoming another long-term statistic on the monthly unemployment figures.”
26 October 2010
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