More than nine in 10 (93%)¹ women who have gone through a challenging trying-to-conceive journey believe that their career has been impacted in some way by their struggles to conceive and bring home a baby.
A understand how experiencing fertility struggles has affected their job and, subsequently, for some, their ability to continue in their role.
These findings highlight the need for businesses to better support employees going through a difficult trying-to-conceive journey, whatever this may look like for an individual.
Respondents also shared how their experience had impacted their careers. Common themes include:
Feeling stuck and unable to progress
The emotional and physical impact
Impact on hours and pay
Poor management and lack of flexibility
As well as this, a recent survey by Fertility Matters at Work also revealed that three-quarters (72%)² of respondents do not believe that the topic of fertility was not recognised and valued in their organisation. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that women across the UK have experienced the themes above.
Many respondents expressed how their fertility journey has left them feeling ‘stuck in their role and unable to progress or move jobs. One respondent said, “I couldn’t leave when my role was restricted to one less senior”. Another exclaimed, “I feel unable to change my position at work, meaning I’m trapped by my circumstances.”
On feeling ‘stuck’, Becky Kearns, Co-Founder of Fertility Matters at Work, commented: “The ‘stuck’ feeling is not just apparent in jobs that are ‘hated’. Often people say how a fertility journey can leave you feeling like your life is ‘on hold’ or ‘on pause’, waiting and hoping to become pregnant so that the next chapter can begin—the uncertainty as to when and also if it will happen contributes significantly towards this feeling.
“Practically, for women in particular, repeated negative pregnancy tests perpetuate the reluctance to willingly change jobs for fear of losing out on maternity provision. With the cost of living rocketing, this will be a valid reason why people stay where they are, even if they are not happy. When those hoped-for blue lines don’t appear, what follows is another month of disengagement at work, with no progression and the fear of change, just in case next month is the month it finally happens.”
Fertility treatment not only has a physical impact but can also profoundly impact mental health. In Fertility Matters at Work’s 2020 survey², 68% felt that treatment significantly impacted their mental and emotional well-being, an apparent theme in the fertility organisation’s recent poll.
One respondent shared, “I was struggling emotionally, which impacted my confidence to progress”; another said, “I was torn between work and the ever-increasing demands of IVF, and my confidence plummeted”.
Further research indicates that 70% of people take sick leave from work during fertility struggles. The main reason for this is associated with mental health struggles such as anxiety, stress or depression. Consequently, this can impact performance at work. One poll respondent shared, “I wasn’t performing as well as I used to in my job due to emotional exhaustion and stress.”, and another said, “I just left my job because they grew tired of my ‘emotions’.”
Becky adds: “Support and recognition is imperative during this life event to provide validation to its significance. At Fertility Matters at Work, we believe that employers providing emotional support alongside the flexibility to help practically manage fertility treatment at work can relieve a huge burden.
“Physically, fertility treatment can be intense, with frequent appointments, often unpredictable and entirely dependent on your body’s reaction to the medication. No two IVF cycles are the same, but all will require some level of flexibility and absence to attend clinic appointments.”
Women going through fertility struggles at work also expressed how this has had an impact on hours and pay. Where women are left feeling ‘stuck’ and unable to progress, this is likely to impact earning potential, therefore, contributing to the gender pay gap.
Women concerned by this reality in the Fertility Matters at Work poll shared, “It meant I stayed in a job much longer than I wanted to for job security while going through treatment and also chasing the idea of maternity pay one day”. Due to the nature of treatment often being more invasive for a woman, any impact from fertility treatment to day-to-day work will inevitably be felt more by women, exacerbating the existing gender pay gap.
Not only are women reducing their hours to cope with fertility treatment, but they’re also leaving their jobs. Our 2020 survey reveals that 36%² had considered leaving their jobs due to treatment. One woman responded to the 2022 poll, “had to take a huge step down in my career and take something less demanding”, whilst another said, “I have to leave my career and take a huge pay cut.”
Becky comments: “One may argue that these women have stepped down or left their jobs by choice, but for someone who has been there and understands the very real pressures, as well as the lack of recognition, understanding or appropriate support in workplaces, it often it feels like there is no other choice for these women in this position by circumstance.”
Other factors that could lead to people leaving their job are poor management and lack of flexibility. One respondent told Fertility Matters at Work, “I had to leave my job of 10 years as I requested two weeks off and was told by my manager that it was ‘disappointing.” With this in mind, it’s no surprise that 61% of those surveyed by Fertility Matters in 2022² felt unable to talk to their employer about their fertility treatment.
Becky adds: “These comments are just a snippet of what we hear at FMAW, across work level, age and industry, with the common misconception in the workplace being that fertility treatment is an ‘elective’ procedure, sometimes even likened to cosmetic surgery. Fertility treatment is not a lifestyle choice, it is the only choice for some when they want a baby. We know from personal experience that no one would choose to go through it. It’s certainly no holiday.”
“The bottom line is that organisations are losing talent, women are being disproportionally impacted as a result of fertility treatment, and careers are being impacted by the disconnect between the needs of individuals and the support that employers are offering.”
Becky comments on fertility treatment and how it’s still considered a taboo subject by many employers: “Despite being in its fifth decade, fertility treatment is still shrouded in secrecy and equally met with ignorance and apathy from those who have never come across it. It isn’t validated in many social settings, which is reflected in workplaces. The lack of any statutory provision means that it’s a hushed voice in a sea of many worker demands. Employment law doesn’t really recognise it. Therefore, it isn’t a ‘reason’ to have time off work. “
“Complex fertility journeys are uncertain, unpredictable and will inevitably involve varying levels of stress for each individual. No one can control the outcome, but an organisation can remove the workplace burden and treat employees fairly and consistently. That means recognising it as a life event and a medical need within appropriate policy, raising awareness and opening up conversations, providing flexibility to attend appointments, ensuring managers are given appropriate training and guidance, offering emotional support and empowering employees to continue to feel valued and supported through this difficult time.
“Work is a key part of our identity, with the majority wanting to stay at work through treatment and continue to do their best, and we need workplaces to empower and enable employees to do so.”
*Poll carried out by Fertility Matters at Work