In a country where getting a personal loan is as easy as buying a coffee personal debt is a serious social problem. Such is the level of debt amongst sections of young adults that they have no prospect of ever getting free of it . This hopelessness is the premise for Squid Game . Desperate individuals drowning in debt are offered the chance to win millions playing some well know children’s games. One of which is call squid. Of course there is a catch, each round players are eliminated and elimination means killed. The games are deadly.
Debt whether as a result of an out of control gambling habit, attempting to live a life style beyond your income or more likely simply as the result of unexpected expense such as when the car needed for work breaks down , is a major problem not peculiar to South Korea the setting for Squid Game . The idea that people with a debt problems are those living on benefits is not true. People who are struggling with debts they see no way of ever repaying are most likely in work , after all it was their employment history that made them initially attractive to lenders. So your organisation has employees who are struggling with a debt problem.
The pressure of which will inevitable impact on their work. They may be getting harassing phone calls at work from debt collectors, they may be worried sick that the building society will repossess their house and make the family homeless, they may have utility bills they can’t pay and fear the heating and lighting is about to be cut off. The difficult atmosphere in the team may be because an individual has borrowed money from colleagues they cannot repay. Debt effects performance so debt is a work place problem.