Top tips to optimise Enterprise Learning Management

Nadav Avni, CMO of Radix Technologies, a leading provider of cutting-edge device management solutions. For four years, Nadav has been working with Radix and has demonstrated a successful track record of brand awareness, lead generation, and boosting sales. A loving husband and proud father of a daughter, Nadav likes to spend time with his family.

Enterprise learning management systems (LMS) have made teaching workers and issuing refresher courses more efficient than ever. Automating employee training stands to save companies big in terms of time and costs. As a result, expect the corporate LMS market to keep growing in the foreseeable future. 

From a market value of $8.1 billion in 2022, research firm Markets and Markets sees the industry growing to $21.27 billion by 2027. This means a CAGR of 21.27% over the next five years. 

Enterprise LMS isn’t just about digitising training systems. It also gives management a better way to track each trainee’s progression throughout the program and measure their performance. 

Having the right training software is critical to the success of corporate learning management systems. With the right management software, trainers can have an easier and more productive time designing and distributing modules. Conversely, learners can maximise their development and stay highly engaged with the right software. 

The Importance of Effective Corporate Training and Development

No matter what your work entails, training matters. Even veterans with decades under their belts can benefit from learning something new. But what do enterprises get from implementing learning management systems? 

Here are some of the biggest reasons why companies should invest in learning management systems that feature the right management software: 

An Enterprise Learning Management System Saves Time and Money

Traditional training methods rely too heavily on in-person interaction. Before, corporate training sessions involved flying recruits from different branches to headquarters. 

Corporate trainers will keep them busy with classroom learning and practical demonstration for the next few days. Then, they fly home and hope to use what they have learned. 

Now, enterprise learning management systems can provide effective training through remote means. Instead of having employees sacrifice entire working days to training in-person at headquarters, they can level up right from their desks—or even their own couch.

In addition, LMS reduces or eliminates costly travel, transportation, and lodging expenses to train employees. Instead of spending money for venues and room and board, companies now bring training modules to their workers, no matter where they are. 

Even with a substantial initial investment, enterprise learning management systems will often provide a good return on investment regarding training success rates and engagement levels. 

It Shows Actionable Training Results 

Only half of enterprise learning management systems are about training. A major function of the LMS is its ability to closely track each trainee’s performance and report the results in detail. It also provides management data on the effectiveness of the training modules and how participants responded. 

The analytics and insights derived from these reports will also greatly help improve learning modules and approaches for the next batch of programs. 

Assessing the Needs of Your Organisation for an Enterprise Learning Management System

So, what factors should you consider when searching for the right corporate learning management system? Should cost be the end-all-be-all determining factor, or should you look beyond the budget? Whichever boat you find yourself in, your investment should boast the following features: 


Accessibility is a critical consideration when deciding on an LMS. With the ongoing pandemic severely limiting business travel opportunities, corporate training should always remain open. 

A system allowing employees to undergo and complete their training remotely should be a given. However, the LMS should also perform equally well in an in-person environment if required. 

Secure Connectivity 

Online learning entails assigning users with individual accounts, which is par for the course. In addition, the ideal LMS should also ensure that connections to individual devices remain secure and encrypted. 

Not only is this feature needed to provide an uninterrupted learning environment, but secure connections also mean upholding privacy laws and preventing data loss or theft. 

Device and OS Agnostic

For practical reasons, many companies will allow workers to use their own smart devices when connecting to the LMS. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) system helps expand access to training modules across the organisation. It also saves the company a lot of money, reducing the need to provide each employee with a smart device. 

As a result, the LMS should be accepting of devices regardless of brand or operating system. Otherwise, the system risks marginalising a part of the workforce and denying them training opportunities. 

Best Practices for Implementing an Enterprise Learning Management System in Your Organisation

Central to a smooth Enterprise LMS is effective and reliable device management. The corporate IT administrator should ensure that there is a platform for maintaining, managing, and securing the LMS and all connected devices, whether corporate fleet units or BYODs. 

Integrate Video Conferencing with LMS and Classroom Management

Forcing your instructors to juggle the LMS, video conferencing software, and classroom manager while conducting remote or hybrid training sessions is a recipe for disaster. This circus act will have them more focused on technology than training—which can only hurt your employees and business. 

This inefficiency can be avoided by providing instructors with a solution integrating videoconferencing, classroom management, and the LMS in one easy-to-use platform. 

Allow Instructors Better Management of Connected Devices

Not to mention, managing trainees can be quite a handful if trainers work in a remote classroom setting. 

Ensuring that they pay attention is a challenge in itself. Then, they must ensure their devices are running the programs needed instead of unproductive and distracting apps. It helps if your classroom management software allows instructors to remotely take over connected devices to prevent users from running unnecessary apps such as social media or web browsers. 

At the same time, the training platform should also treat students more than mere thumbnails. Instructors should be able to assist struggling trainees discretely as well as call out those incapable of paying attention. 

Implement Further Coaching and Mentoring Activities With the Right Software 

Choosing the right training and management software can very well spell the difference between an effective enterprise learning management system and a waste of time. Ensuring that users can easily but securely connect to the LMS is just the beginning. Instructors should be able to remotely manage trainees’ devices and coach them in real time via management software with built-in communication features.

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