TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady has appealed for help from EU unions in persuading their governments to resist David Cameron’s alleged attempt to repatriate workers’ rights. O’Grady said that if the Prime Minister gets his way over Europe, British workers – and possibly workers across the continent – will lose out. Commenting on the promise that – if re-elected in 2015 – the Conservatives will hold a referendum on British membership of the EU, O’Grady said “There’s one set of workers’ rights David Cameron can’t touch, paid holidays, health and safety, equal treatment for part-time workers and women, protection when a business is sold off, and a voice at work. The Prime Minister wants to ‘repatriate’ those rights. He wants to make it easier for bad employers to undercut good ones. To do that, he needs agreement from the rest of Europe. And when the UK government calls on your government to give him the chance to undermine British workers’ rights, we want your governments to say no”.
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