The Department for Work and Pensions and Department of Health and Social Care have published a consultation on ways to increase take up of occupational health provision.
As part of the consultation, employers will be encouraged to take up occupational health offers to help employees, particularly those in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), access mental and physical health support at work. The aim is to reduce the number of staff out of work due to long-term sickness.
The proposals include introducing a national health at work standard for all employers to provide a baseline for quality occupational health provision. This will feature guidance, an option to pursue accreditation, and additional government support services, such as outreach workers to support SMEs to meet the standards.
The consultation is also seeking for views on developing longer-term workforce capacity to meet increased demand for occupational health services in the future by encouraging those who are considering a career change to choose this specialism. This is part of a goal to develop a longer-term, multi-disciplinary workforce to provide occupational health services.
The government has also published a separate consultation that looks at increasing occupational health services investment by UK employers through the tax system. This follows its Spring Budget announcement, where it committed to consult on incentivising greater occupational health provision via the tax system.
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