In Mr S R v Governing Body of Davison Church of England Secondary School for Girls Mr SR took the governing body of Davison Church of England Secondary School for Girls to an employment tribunal in Southampton alleging ‘direct race discrimination and direct sex discrimination’.
The allegations included:
- HW taking no action to support him when Mr SR complained of unfair treatment;
- HW telling Mr SR not to use her nickname and publicly berating him;
- HW confronting him about an email in public, instead of privately as she had been advised;
- EJ waving class papers in Mr SR’s face in public in a school corridor
- CB failing to take action when Mr SR raised concerns and then merging a meeting about those concerns with Mr SR’s probationary review, and so placing all responsibility for addressing any problems onto him and not any of the other people involved; and
- CK walking Mr SR off school premises without first making any enquiry of Mr SR about the incident which had been reported to Mr CK.
Employment Judge Hay, Jayshanti Shah, and Dr Claire Whitehouse ordered that £10,000 compensation be paid to Mr SR ‘for injury to feelings’.
This provides summary information and comment on the subject areas covered. Where employment tribunal and appellate court cases are reported, the information does not set out all of the facts, the legal arguments presented and the judgments made in every aspect of the case. Employment law is subject to constant change either by statute or by interpretation by the courts. While every care has been taken in compiling this information, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Specialist legal advice must be taken on any legal issues that may arise before embarking upon any formal course of action.