Historically rigid work conventions are yielding to an evolving future and understanding changed mindsets, needs and expectations is key to engagement and performance, in the hybrid world. This is not just about employee turnover, sickness levels or demographic makeup, it’s understanding how employees feel about their work, what motivates them, how they can develop and what their aspirations now are.


Vanessa Lucas: Employees are likely to want flexibility to work differently from a location perspective, where their role allows. We have launched a process where all roles have been assigned one of four personas to determine the level to which a role requires site presence. Employees can request variations to their working arrangements which are then reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If there is a positive from the impact of COVID, I think that many employers were nervous about encouraging remote working opportunities prior to the pandemic and now we are seeing more opportunity to take a more flexible approach.

Ryan Cavanagh: Our business was 24/7 throughout the pandemic and we supported our colleagues throughout that process. There was a lot of anxiety as we were key workers, but from day one, we were very much a business that was COVID-ready in terms of social-distancing and having the correct hygiene procedures. A lot of the COVID protocols still remain onsite as we transition forward from a head office perspective and we’re encouraging our workers to come back as we move forward and shape what that type of working environment looks like. Having a finger on the pulse is essential to understanding exactly what that could look like and will help form decisions and policies.

Jo Tyler: We had to close most of our 800 Premier Inn hotels and all of our 450 branded restaurants, within a matter of days after the Prime Minister’s lockdown announcement. Hotels, by their very nature, are open 24/7 and not designed to be locked up, so our operations teams had to work out very quickly how we were going to secure our buildings. Throughout, we had to act quickly and decisively. We had 39 hotels open in the first wave of national lockdown to support the nation’s key safety and our elected employee representatives helped us understand the concerns we needed to address. We measured sentiment on how teams felt about measures in place. It’s not easy to work in hospitality right now, whether that’s because of global supply chain issues or a shortage of labour. Those issues put pressure on our teams when they serve our guests, so we need to demonstrate to our people that we hear their frustrations, that we are acting on their feedback and that we care about supporting them and fixing those issues. So, listening, acting and clear communication is really important. The long period of furlough that many people in the sector have experienced over the last 18 months, is likely to have changed priorities and we need to continue to listen, so that we can adapt impactfully.

Lyndsey Denning: We have to be mindful of how a dual-tier workforce could potentially evolve. My opinion is that behind the phrase hybrid working, there are some realities to consider, such as employees choosing how, when and where they work and whether that is practical in meeting business needs. There are related cost and management implications and managing people will have to change – as will infrastructure – to make that work from a practical perspective. There is no question that this is the direction of travel, but there is a lot to consider, from a structure and policy point of view. It’s unknown territory and will require trying out different strategies, because hybrid working per se, divides opinion, which means we will have to consider as we progress the cultural implications too. No question, there are big challenges ahead.

James Shipway: We need to carry out surveys and really interrogate feedback as the future unfolds and we evolve to this new way of working. There’s no doubt that timely and qualitative data and analytics are essential to the next stages and beyond.

Jo Tyler: We run regular surveys to understand employee sentiment. We have an online recognition platform called MyRewards that encourages peer-to-peer and manager recognition. The platform allows managers to award points to team members as part of that recognition, for great contribution and team members can build up points to purchase items. Recognition is such a really important part of our culture and also encourages people to give us feedback. In fact, we had over 7,000 responses to our most recent pulse survey for our frontline teams.

Nicole Ward: My sector, care and support, has been very hard hit by COVID. Staff can’t work from home, they have no option and, because of the reactive and contractual nature of the care industry, a lot of times, we are unable to tailor specific work hours. With this move towards recognising differences regarding flexibility, we have launched a new people management framework, which is more people focused and features more friendly policies. Being mindful in management and listening more to staff and acknowledging staff choice is the key to unlocking the future. However, in the communication to become more flexible, there is seemingly no communication that flex and remote working cannot be applied practically to all staff. It’s quietly ignored that all staff won’t be included. So, a two-tier outcome would be a concern and there is already an issue with staff retention and attraction. It’s a sector that relies on discretionary effort, staff giving more of themselves, but I think people are burnt out. It’s hard to predict the future and there are many pressures – take the law, which says our staff must be vaccinated – we have to react and we have to exit people who are not vaccinated, in an industry that is already struggling with staff shortages.

Kulan Kandasamy: With such a variety of viewpoints about flexible and remote working and the changes in motivations and ambitions, this will inevitably be a time of disruption and change. But as has been said, here is a great opportunity to reset and bring in improvements that, let’s face it, have been a long time coming. Technology will play a huge role in the reformation of work and business.

James Shipway: Indeed, I’m very interested to explore how technology can play its part in finding solutions. Although delegates come from a variety of sectors, each one has had to overcome some incredible challenges during the pandemic, which are helping to inform in the post-COVID rebuild.

Ryan Cavanagh: For us, the future is the difficult part, given the uncertainty and instability of the last 18 months. The landscape is hardly recognisable and sure, we can look to forecast with intent, but we need to be as adaptable as we are reactive and agile. Take a typical challenge such as absence, how we now deal with it has to change, in view of the time we have all lived through and the ongoing issues that will inevitably follow. The forthcoming weeks and months are going to be resource and energy sapping, not only from a supply chain perspective, but also labour markets and there will inevitably be curveballs all along the way. But we have to keep looking ahead, planning for better – although at times this seems like firefighting day-to-day – because, come what may, bread has to be baked and delivered.

Jo Tyler: For Whitbread, in the hard-hit hospitality sector, one of the big focuses is about being an employer of choice. We have a commitment to no barriers to entry and no limits to ambition. Here, the listening space is so important, in order to understanding the critical parts of the employment experience, right across the demographic, so that we can personalise for a better experience. This feedback data is unlocking some useful insights to help us design improved outcomes. Workplaces also need to evolve so that they become part of the destination of choice to work and also supports people to be collaborative, innovative and productive.

Lyndsey Denning: We utilised downtime last year to really accelerate our technical development, within a new HR information system. But equally, from a supply chain point of view, there’s been a lot of effort invested in leveraging APIs, to bring efficiency to our supply chain process. This has accelerated the need for more tech-enabled people with data competency and people who are technically literate and so our competency framework has been updated to reflect that. From a career perspective, in our most recent survey, the feedback suggests we need to be clearer about how people can progress in the business, so we are communicating with much more clarity and guidance.

James Rule: One question for us is, can we really continue with remote working when we typically work in consulting teams? Customer-interfacing in the context of remote working, is bound to be a different dynamic. Like most, we’ve relied upon collaboration platforms such as Teams, but for the long term we really need to investigate how we can utilise the software more impactfully, to improve employee experience and client service. From a workforce planning perspective, the key focus now is on employee experience. Our challenge is, we can’t hire fast enough and since people have been returning and businesses have started to operate more fully, demand has gone up sharply.

Kulan Kandasamy: Workforce planning is all about knowing what resources, talent and skills are available in the organisation at any one time and quite a few comments today have eluded to part of the answer in tight talent markets, as turning the focus on retaining existing employees and developing, reskilling and upskilling them. This is something that a business can have more control over, rather than being at the mercy of the external market and, of course, if learning and development looks active and dynamic in an organisation, it will draw talent in, as well as retain existing people, who feel they are valued and are being invested in. If it is sustainable and well planned, it can be the proverbial win-win.

James Shipway: Agreed, it’s also about presciently identifying where skills gaps may occur ahead and planning and preparing for those eventualities. In these unprecedented times, workforces have to be more agile, with people feeling confident about cross-skilling and taking up opportunities to work across the organisation, rather than staying in an existing role, fearful of disruption to the status quo.

Nicole Ward: The interesting thing about cross-skilling is that it seems to come just from the perspective of what the organisation needs and there’s very little conversation other than that. We need to be mindful that there are some employees who may not really wish to take on anything else other than what they’re doing, they may be comfortable in that area. Upskilling is somewhat different as people are able to upskill at their own discretion and pace, but it takes the effort of the individual. So there needs to be some sort of enticement, because it is discretionary effort that you are trying to elicit from current employees, in order to plug gaps. But that relies upon some incentive, along with those soft skills from managers, to activate discretionary effort from employees.

Lyndsey Denning: That really resonates with me and, in terms of our competency framework, we’ve wrapped around a number of e-learning sources, so that people can self-learn. Gone are the days where you had a PDR, where you log in training requests and six months later, you might complete a course. We are trying to create a mindset that, if an employee identifies an L&D requirement, or a skills gap that needs filling, they can instantly access the material and the resources. But people need to be incentivised, to see the positives for themselves, the advantages they can unlock and where it will take them in the business.

Jo Tyler: Our ethos is “no barriers to entry, no limits to ambition”, because we can recruit for behaviour and develop the skills for the job, plus we also offer “pay for progression”, so as team members develop in roles, they earn more. We are also really proud of our Apprenticeship programme, which will support people to progress from an hourly-paid team member into a salaried role, whilst achieving a nationally recognised qualification. Our internal insights are showing us that, internally developed and promoted managers have higher performance metrics and stay longer than those we recruit externally. It’s a great example of how doing the right things for your people is also right for the business, commercially and operationally.

Vanessa Lucas: In the Global Business Services function that I support, as an example, we are working to develop more skills around robotics and automation and provide specific learning around this. As a business, we have launched a new learning platform this year, which supports the online learning process and provides employees with the opportunity to pick programmes that meet their skill learning needs and career aspirations. We have also launched remote based international assignments, that enable opportunities without the need for relocation.

James Rule: Technology has moved along to a point now where it can intelligently serve up a piece of information that supports someone’s learning experience. It’s fascinating that Google answers questions even as you’re typing it, the intelligence and machine learning around is phenomenal and there now is the opportunity to bring this to people’s experience of work. This means we can do more in terms of using technology in a much more intelligent way, to give people that content. However, in a world where change is fast and we want to achieve things quicker, we must create psychological safety for people to learn. There also has to be progression and mobility, taking people on a learning journey on which they will inevitably make mistakes, but have the confidence to know that it is part of the learning.

Kulan Kandasamy: Often, organisations have strong learning platforms with rich culture and rich content to motivate the learning, but focus just on plugging gaps, without considering people’s aspirations. Now more than ever, that is a key requirement if we want to create a self[1]driven learning culture. When the learning portal and career framework is in unison, outcomes are inevitably more positive and sustained.

James Shipway: Indeed, one of the huge incentives to retaining people is to be really clear and transparent about where their skills, accrual of competencies and ongoing learning can take them in the business. Combine blended learning with guidance and mentoring and you have a powerful platform. We neglect this at our peril and a competitive level of investment is required, to reduce turnover and increase attraction.

Ryan Cavanagh: For us, it’s about understanding and listening to our people right across the business. A big part of where we want to go as an organisation is based on the engagement, that will underpin the HR strategy and informs on what we need to do differently. Listening is our most important forum, in terms of unsolicited feedback.

Lyndsey Denning: Our biggest asset is our people – and I know most businesses say that – but we have no assets and so it literally is the individuals that work in the organisation that are valued most. Historically, we have been commercially[1]led – putting business needs first, with human resources conduit to achieving corporate objectives – but that’s been flipped and we focus on employee experience, to attract the best people, rewarding and recognising and supporting them to achieve the business strategy. There’s also a change in mindset, in terms of how far ahead we set strategy and plans – we traditionally talked about a three-year plan – but we’re more looking at short term, with agility, greater speed of decision making and pragmatism, so that we can react to change with fluidity and minimal disruption.

Vanessa Lucas: It has been said more than once today, but one of the key learnings from the pandemic has been communication and listening, which is essential to achieving a positive experience. That means listening to the workforce, listening to the business and aligning the two, to inform on the strategy that will be a fit for the changing work agenda.

Jo Tyler: Agreed, with so much change and ambiguity, you need to have confidence in your decision making and strategy and that relies upon the flow of data and information to flex situation change. The strategy may well remain the same, but you’re prioritising different elements of it to suit the circumstances. Another key focus is, in hospitality and in our business, we can never lose sight of what our customers want and so our people strategy has to be designed with our customers at the heart of everything that we do. On the subject of strategy longevity, raised by delegates today, there’s a piece for me that plays through that, about making sure your strategy is absolutely underpinned by the values you hold as an organisation. It’s been a tumultuous time, but if you can stand behind those values and they are wholeheartedly shared by your employees and are absolutely part of your DNA as an organisation, you can withstand any challenges that come along. There was no playbook for COVID, but to be able to go to those values stabilises and enables us to move forward and to take on whatever comes along.

Nicole Ward: HR strategy has become more people-focused and that’s great. However, it presents a difficult balancing act between wanting to meet every employee’s aspiration and meeting the needs of the business. I would also say that the people strategy depends on manager and leadership abilities to have those conversations with people, but I find that managers aren’t always equipped to do that. For many senior managers, effective people management is not a part of what they are trained for – they were hired for their skills in the role – and still, there is not much assessment given to their skillset in effectively managing a team of people. It’s great to have people strategy that is noble, but to be effective, it hinges upon management and leadership communication and relationship. There are plenty of people change strategies with the premise of wanting to appease everything and everyone and personally, I don’t know if that is necessarily going to work.

James Shipway: We need to make sure HR strategies are realistic, because if the mantra is “employees first”, but the reality does not back the claims, the negative impacts are inevitable.

Kaylan Kandasamy: Every organisation should be treating their employees like their customers. It’s the priority, because all employers are trying to do the same thing – attract the best people to run a successful business – and with such shortages in available resources, none of this can be left to chance, it requires positive action.

Jo Tyler: This is where we absolutely must go back to basics and, once again, it’s about listening and I think this is where you need to take a multi-disciplined approach in terms of using surveys, to reach as many people as you can, as regularly as possible, ideally anonymised. In our business, we encourage our operators to lead a lot of the listening – we call it “operators listening to other operators” – so that it’s not seen as something that is coming from the center, it’s more seen as regular conversation, about how things can be improved. That for me is at the crux of how we can lift the lid and optimise that employee experience. I also think it’s about really starting to dig through the data to identify those moments that matter. The employee experience is just so broad, I think you also have to be really targeted, so that you don’t lose your way.

James Rule: I couldn’t agree more and there are so many perspectives to consider. Take someone moving from one company to another. It is a moment that matters, because there are the emotions involved in leaving the old, mixed with the apprehensions associated with joining the new. In most cases, they are looking forward to joining the new company and all goes well. But we need to be aware of the quality of someone’s joining experience and we need to be direct and encourage candour: “So what was it like joining us? Where can it be improved? Was it easy? Was it difficult?” This type of experiential information is crucial to our cultures, brands and operational outcomes and informs on change and improvement. In this hyper connected world, by default, people tell more people about their experiences and that is just one fundamental reason why these things are important.

Vanessa Lucas: So true and those manager/employee relationship are even more important with the massive increase in remote working. You don’t tend to have those “in the moment” opportunities for a quick check-in, so managers need other ways of catching up with their teams.

Lyndsey Denning: Agreed, but there is the perception from leaders and managers that engagement is an HR initiative, which I believe impacts their understanding of relationship building, as well as their accountability. We need to shift the dial on this, because we are talking less about preordained and more official interactions and more ad-hoc, in[1]the-moment connectivity. There’s no place for token gestures and routine check-ins, which lack individuality. In this new work era, it’s absolutely in the gift of the manager to really take that to the next level, to increase awareness and responsibility, to create moments that matter and create that psychological and emotional engagement.

Nicole Ward: Engagement is not an HR project to adopt. As a professional interim, one of the first things on day one is say “hello”… to everyone! I don’t need to ask any personal information, I merely say, “hello, my name is Nicole and this is why I’m here”. In one firm, it was what I call a “fish tank office”, with all of the leaders and directors in aquarium-style areas on the same floor. There was no physical separation from staff and management, but when I went up to one member of staff she said: “Nobody from management has ever come up and introduced themselves to me – you are a first!” It’s not rocket science, often it can be a simple hello and if even that is missing – you have to wonder about the emotional intelligence within such an organisation. That’s what I would have to say about engagement, it’s so basic and doesn’t always require a budget and strategy.

Ryan Cavanagh: The pandemic certainly brought home the importance of those simple personal human touches, that ability to have the small conversations that go a long way. As we look at the new era of work, there will be a rethink on engagement, reward and recognition and perhaps the building blocks are the basics. We need to have a more flexible and agile approach to engagement and realise that, more now than ever before, a one-size[1]fits-all is not going to cut it.

James Shipway: Employee engagement will inevitably change as the hybrid working framework takes shape and with it, the role of managers at all levels and leaders need to alter too. Many organisations expect managers to have that skillset, but as has been discussed today, that is not always the case. As businesses, we must support the development of those skills and competencies, because experience and technical knowhow does not cover it.

Kulan Kandasamy: I concur and reflect that the outstanding theme today has been the importance of listening to employees and that includes managers at all levels and leaders. They also have to be vocal, display role model values and be proactive and visible, in order to reach people in ways that surveys never can.

Jo Tyler: We’ve upweighted our wellbeing strategy and activity, because we recognise it’s been really important to our employees and key has been enabling our line managers to support their teams. In a large organisation, that isn’t always easy because wellbeing is personal to the individual. But creating regular and clear communication about the wellbeing support on offer has been a key focus, because we had a lot of support in place before the pandemic, but we probably didn’t communicate it clearly enough and join it up into a package.

Vanessa Lucas: We were already on a path before we went into COVID and the pandemic meant we have moved things along more quickly. In the UK, we had developed a team of mental health first aiders – or mental health champions – and we’re in the process of extending that globally. We also have the employee assistance programme, which is available for all employees and their families. In the Global Business Services environment, we dedicated the month of February to wellbeing and had various events that people could join from; webinars on a variety of topics to creative sessions like a paint-along. Also, we hold regular coffee break session for the leadership team, to chat about all kinds of non-work topics. We also have quizzes and other activities, giving people the opportunity to come together across the world and kick back for half an hour.

Lyndsey Denning: The difficulty around wellbeing is trying to provide something that is comprehensively relevant to all. Also, people generally don’t want a wellbeing initiative to compensate for the impact that work is having on them, they want you to address the problem that is causing the health issues, such as stress and anxiety. There needs to be some separation between providing wellbeing as “a benefit”. It needs to have a more rounded approach, so that people can be happy and healthy and the best they can be. We’ve spoken a lot about culture today and as a company, we do like to think of ourselves as almost an extended family, personable, able to speak to and support each other. That’s where I would suggest there is some crossover with the engagement piece, because it is about being personable, more individualistic.

James Rule: I agree and I also think it comes down to personal choice and balancing that with organisational need. I like being able to work remotely, but I do miss the ability to just congregate, talk, have a broader perspective, collaborate and support each other. In terms of employee experience, the challenge is to hit the sweet spot, where the organisation can optimise performance and individuals are working how and when they want. I believe if you reach that point, then your plans and strategies are working well. COVID has been a terrible thing, but also an experiment in human experience and the impact on our working lives is going to be more than just the economic, it is changing societal behaviour and I think that impact is going to be sustained.

James Shipway: It’s always been a challenge to measure wellbeing on a corporate level across the whole organisation, because the culture has, in general, been to keep quiet about issues that might be a sign of weakness and not being able to cope. Now – and certainly since the pandemic impacted – that has changed and I believe this will be an era of more openness and empathy.

Kulan Kandasamy: I concur and it’s clear that wellbeing is directly related to sustainability and productivity and so ignoring it is counterproductive.

Jo Tyler: We need to measure the experience and overlay demographics that help us understand the moments that matter to different people at different stages of their career or life. We need to remain curious and be led by the data and then we’ll know where action or investment is needed.

Lyndsey Denning: Throughout people’s time with an employer, there needs to be those moments on a personal as well as on a professional level. Increasingly, there is no one-size-fits-all and the growing challenge is trying to find solutions that tick the boxes for the majority.

Nicole Ward: The employee experience starts from the moment a candidate interacts with you and it really comes down to the actions versus the talk. When the experience is bad, people remember and share more of their bad experiences than the good ones, if for nothing else than to warn other potential employees about their poor experiences. For those who remain in one job for long periods of time, it’s about the moments that matter to them and management’s awareness of that – to capitalise that good employee momentum – which contributes to the ongoing employee experience. Again, communication and feedback is key and you need to elicit some engagement, so that you know what moments might matter and not just rely on guesswork.

Kulan Kandasamy: There’s no doubt, first impressions count. When I joined NTT Data, I received a personal, handwritten card from my manager, welcoming me to the team. I think that made me feel that I’d made a good career choice and, although it was a simple gesture, it felt very personal and had a profound effect on my general wellbeing.

James Shipway: It’s the sort of personable human gesture in a world that is increasingly digital and automated. That said, technology holds an important place in keeping us all advised and informed about what is going right and wrong within the day-to-day operational processes. That’s why it is important, why the experience is still fresh in mind, to ask people through surveys, about their experiences, whether that be onboarding or a performance review. This is the best way to identify good and bad practice and provides the opportunity to make improvements where necessary. Automating this process of collecting timely data means that the very latest data informs in the moment.

Jo Tyler: There’s more we want to do, because understanding the relationship between customer experience and employee experience in an organisation like ours, presents some exciting prospects. However, we always need to be mindful about how we use and protect our employee data.

Vanessa Lucas: It is work-in-progress for us and we have made some great steps forward in recent months. We review feedback on the HR service using tools such as NPS and a Voice of the Customer survey. This informs us where we may need to do deeper investigations and make improvements.

Lyndsey Denning: In the realms of employee data, we’re all on a journey and I’m yet to speak to anybody that feels that they’re fully established when it comes to employee data. We’re starting to collate, have access to, manage and manipulate data. We are collecting data from different points, whether that be surveys, employee sentiment and just general feedback, through word of mouth. The next challenge for us is considering it in the context of employee experience, to identify issues, to predict where we might have some obstacles, address negatives and capitalise on positives that we want to replicate. We’re at a challenging, but potentially important stage.

Ryan Cavanagh: I would echo that sentiment, we’re absolutely on a journey to how we can harness technology better. We have had disparate systems in the past that don’t communicate well. But as we move towards a more cloud-based scenario, the tech is improving and it’s making things easier and clearer. It means that we have data that is more available to us, in a way that it never has been before – touch of a button reporting – and so far so good. But we have some way to go to connect things up and it isn’t going to happen overnight.

Kulan Kandasamy: Reassuringly, there aren’t many organisations that say they have arrived at the end of their data journey. It will always be a veritable WIP, because new capabilities will always present themselves. Most companies have strong HR processes, but they lack the cohesion in data to find the insights. But gaining momentum in data efficacy is the best way to continual improvement, as more decision makers in the organisation become data champions. The best advice is, harness what you currently generate and make the most of the technology you have, until you can make the case for more investment. Don’t try to boil the ocean, start small and optimise what is available.

James Rule: My impression is that many organisations haven’t invested in HR technology for some time. Those investments that have been made are typically platform or application level – such as, Workday, SuccessFactors – and there is generally low maturity on how you knit these together, to unleash the value held within the data. I believe the exciting area is, how we shape people’s experience of work – this would both be in making the human experience of work as effortless as possible – but also making it deeply personal to the individual. That builds a connection, which taps into the human condition, as long as it doesn’t cross over into creepy probing. We do need to recognise that HR data is emotive. If we want people to trust, we need to be as transparent as we can.

Jo Tyler: It’s interesting how we are facing common challenges despite being from different organisations. We’re certainly expecting a lot from line managers in the future, so focusing on equipping them to support us will be critical.

Vanessa Lucas: I do take the view that HR is HR, even though the nuances of an industry or organisation change some of the elements of focus and priorities. I feel somewhat reassured that we seem to share similar experiences.

Ryan Cavanagh: Agreed and, in this new era of work, there are a great deal of unknowns and uncharted territory. But that points to exciting times, where we can innovate and make some really important changes that could make the future of work so much better than that of the past.

Nicole Ward: As leaders, it’s our responsibility to lead and show that, although times are tough and we’re not going to please all the people all the time, we are listening, we have learned and we’re determined to build back better.


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