Brian Millar – Director of Human Resources

“I like the magazine and the high standard of strategic content.”

Aylsa Geeson – HR Consultant
Johnsons HR Ltd

“I enjoy reading the magazine as it fills a gap for a quality UK based HR journal”

Andrea Winfield – International HR Business & Strategic Projects Manager

“Fresh, contextually rich and on the pulse – HR Director Publication brings best practice sharing to your finger tips in a meaningful way. Real stories by real people for those of us seeking competitive business advantage through strategic people interventions for our business.”

Denice Angiolini – Paid Media Program Manager
Thomas International UK Ltd

“It was a great session and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it too. The information you provided and how you bounced off each other was perfect. We had some great questions through the Q&A too. And thank you very much to you Peter for guiding us through, hosting and keeping us on track! It was brilliant!”


To watch the webinar, click here


Stephanie Jeanmougin – Senior Manager, EMEA Strategic Marketing Programs

“Absolutely loved working with you and Jason. Really enjoyed the responsiveness, the way Jason moderated the roundtable and the peace of mind you guys provided me on the logistics side of things. The event was a major success on our side and Rob has been raving about it to all of EMEA.”


“Thank you for organising such a fantastic event, we had great feedback from our participants’ Viren and David. I look forward to reading the Report as it sounds like there were some interesting topics raised. I am keen to arrange more of the roundtable events so I will feed this back to the team and see when we can get another one scheduled.”

Manish Grover – Marketing
Northgate HR

“theHRDIRECTOR magazine always plays a key role in Northgate HR’s marketing campaigns; it has its finger firmly on the pulse of the HR industry.”

Catherine McMenamin
ORC Worldwide

“ORC Worldwide hold an ongoing directory entry with theHRDIRECTOR listings. This provides exposure to generalist HR practitioners throughout the UK, and has the ability to demonstrate the amount of interest on the listing per quarter to provide tracking information. The magazine itself also runs frequent advertising for HR service providers, and the advertising team keep our organisation up to date with timely offers and opportunities to advertise alongside relevant articles.”

Marc Holland – Managing Director
PTP Training & Marketing Ltd

“PTP Training & Marketing Ltd have found theHRDIRECTOR to be an excellent magazine to promote our wide range of management and customer care courses. They have certainly helped us with increasing our customer base which now includes over 40% of the FTSE 100.”

Richard Harnden – Managing Director
The Lighthouse Agency

“Professional, insightful, helpful. An excellent forum for the senior HR market.”

Makbool Javaid – Partner
Simons Muirhead & Burton

“In an ever-changing, fast moving, competitive environment, and against a background of ever-increasing complex employment legislation, HR have to be at the leading edge, delivering best practice, legally compliant people management practices, which get the best out of the people. That’s why I consider it a privilege to be on the Editorial Panel of HR Director, as well as contributing articles and providing up-to-date employment law news for the website, as there is no doubt in my mind that HR Director is the magazine of choice for senior HR specialists wanting practical, proactive commentary and advice on both strategic and day-today human resource issues, enabling them to be one step ahead and to be regarded as change agents operating at the top of their profession.”

Alex Shacklock – Director of Marketing & Innovation
theGrogroup Ltd

“As a director of a consultancy that sets out to help HR Directors align their plans and people initiatives with vision and strategy of their business, theHRDIRECTOR magazine provides essential insight into the current topics, challenges and pain-points that our clients are facing and tackling. Where the magazine really adds value is in the ‘advice’ that it gives both directly and more subtly. Whilst many other publications provide facts and/or research, theHRDIRECTOR doesn’t sit on the fence – it’s articles and editorial add in opinion and, often, even those essential next steps to take. My monthly reading experience usually includes making a lot of notes and churning out ideas on the back of the deep and varied content.”

Catriona Smith, HR Director
Kier Group

A really thought provoking discussion and a pleasure to meet all of my peers.

Jo Mosley, HR Director
Salvation Army

“Thank you to theHRDIRECTOR for organising a fabulous event and the lovely Bacardi team for hosting – I very much enjoyed the cocktails! It was great to chat to many of you and hope to stay connected.”

Emman DeSouza, HR Business Partner Director
Smith & Nephew Ltd

“Thank you again for the invite I made some great contacts and already sharing best practice!”

Laura Toscano, HR Director, Products & Services

“Thank you so much for the event – it was great fun and really good to meet the other attendees. I made some good connections who are working on similar projects to me.”

May MacInnes, Group Head of People
LOC Group Limited

“Thanks for organising the event, it was indeed a great evening. Looking forward to the future events.”

Tracy McDermott, Head of HR
Essar Oil (UK) Limited

“Thank for your very kind invitation to attend. It was indeed a great opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, sharing best practice and mixed in with a fun night.”

Suki Johal, Regional HR Manager
Bechtel Ltd

“Thanks for the invitation to meet with likeminded HR professionals and for the goodies from Excedo. It was a perfect venue to relax. Hope to see everyone at a future event.”

Christina A. Murphy, Ed.D., PHR, Deputy Chief Human Resources

“Thank you so much for your warm hospitality and engaging conversation. I love coming to these events in the UK when I am there and look forward to keeping in touch with you all as I make my transition to the UK over the next year.”

Howard Sloane, Chief People Officer
Essar Oil (UK) Limited

“Many thanks for the invite and it was truly an excellent event. Thanks to the hosts and to everyone that I spoke with. Looking forward to catching up again soon.”

Navid Nazemian, Head of HR, Group Finance, Group Finance Human Resources

“Thank you very much indeed for the kind invitation and what an original location this was! It was a pleasure to meet and speak with many of my peers.”

Lucy Harrison – HR Specialist
Apprenticeships and Skills

“I wanted to thank you for a great event where we learnt so much that we have been able to bring back and share with the business.”

Helen McMullan – Head of Talent Management & Development
NHS Professionals

“What an interactive, stimulating and thought provoking session, leaving me buzzing with ideas and thoughts!  It was great to hear what other organisations’ are facing, and doing, around the apprenticeship levy and I have made some very useful contacts that I will be taking forward.”

Claire Palmer – VP Human Resources
Bacardi Martini Limited

“Thanks again for the invitation to join the discussion. Really enjoyed it. It was a great forum to share ideas and learn about the challenges and opportunities we all face across our businesses.”

Beena Joseph – Director, HR

‘Thank you, what a great event and insightful discussion.’

Ann Brown – Global HR Director

‘Thanks so much for the invitation, hosting, lively debate and hospitality yesterday. I look forward to hearing how everyone gets on for the next stage of their journey.’

Dimitris Tsouroplis – Human Resources Director
Lomar Shipping Limited

“Thank you Peter for another excellent Roundtable. It was a very interesting topic that was analysed by really good experts. One of the best I have been to.”

Jordan Archer, Deputy Director of HR & OD
North Central London CCGs

“Just wanted to say a massive thanks for last night. I had a great night and I met some really fantastic people. I came home and was so excited about the evening. Also being able to make great connections build my network is invaluable, it was also really good to hear about the Roundtables and hopefully be involved in these in the future.”

Kim Clarke – Director of HR Business Partnering, Employee Relations & Shared Services

“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and a number of other HR Execs from a variety of organisations – not just the Banking fraternity.  It’s always assuring to know other organisations are not only exploring common opportunities but also experiencing similar challenge. I’ve taken away lots of ideas and indeed expanded my network,  so a very valuable session, sharing thoughts , ideas and ways in which Learning is being transformed – I’m off to investigate new ways of building on our Core Learning proposition and the ‘Netflix ‘ model! Thanks very much again for the invitation. Would be interested in attending future sessions and look forward to seeing the report.”


Jo Radcliffe, Group HR Director, The Regatta Group

“Thank you for the invitation to the debate this afternoon. I found the discussion very engaging and it has certainly stimulated ideas and questions for my team and I. Really enjoyed the event, meeting you and Jason, and your kind hospitality.”

Paul Smith, Group HR Director, Outdoor and Cycle Concepts

“I just wanted to say a very big thank you for the excellent session yesterday, kind hospitality and the good chat afterwards too!”

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