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Claire Silvester – Vice President, Human Resources, Cronos
previously UK HR Director, Vector Aerospace

“I think being interviewed by theHRDIRECTOR and appearing on your Cover has had a part in some of my trajectory. I think my CEO saw that I was on the cover of such a prestigious magazine and it elevated my presence and highlighted my achievements – something about seeing it visually. I also think he gave me the edge over another internal candidate that they were considering. I tried to attend your Roundtables during my visits, but I wasn’t able to manage it, so I’m so sorry because I really value your publication and all that it does. Thanks once again, you really made a difference to my life and I’m very thankful. Plus I’ve been spoiled with photography since your photos – I’ve never found a photographer that has been so good since.”

Joan James – Manager of HR, Infrastucture
Bechtel Ltd

I was introduced to HRD within a few months of my own transfer to London from the Washington DC area.  Of course, my goal at that time was to become fully immersed in all that is HR in a new city and country.  My experience with HRD in terms of networking opportunities and, of course, the HRDirector publication has been very positive.  I find the featured articles to be relevant, timely and very informative.  I often find myself discussing some of the articles with my colleagues in America who don’t have access to HRD.  Really a super publication.

Sheila Barbosa Roberto MCIPD – HR Director
Strategem Technologies

“Being a Subscriber helps me keep on top of new trends in HR and provide me with refreshers of things we should already know.”

Ravi Chand – HR Director, Workforce Management & Planning
HM Revenue & Customs

“theHRDIRECTOR helps keep me on top of the latest thought leadership, insights and emerging HR issues, satisfying my curiosity to learn from the best.”

Lucy Adams – Director of Human Resources
Serco Group plc

“I first became interested in theHRDIRECTOR magazine through their Diversity Day conference. I found it really refreshing that they were prepared to look at this issue from much more radical and progressive angles than the traditional approach. Having found the day so stimulating I then picked up the magazine. There are several of these kinds of magazines on the market but theHRDIRECTOR has an edge. It offers really practical advice from practitioners, provocative articles from people who are not afraid to give a different opinion and access to events that can make a difference to our business.”

Tony Cooke – Senior Director Human Resources

“I love theHRDIRECTOR because it always manages to create a good blend of theory and practice in the world of HR. The stories are always fresh and topical and never too long. If ever we are looking to introduce something new into our business, theHRDIRECTOR is always a good starting point of reference. They tend to be ‘in the know’ before it becomes common knowledge which is always encouraging.”

Sharon Ellerker -HR Director (UK & Ireland)

“theHRDIRECTOR is a fabulous resource that helps me to keep abreast of what’s happening within the HR profession. It also gives me visibility to HR practices outside of my immediate market via case studies and articles. The content is a rich source of benchmark data that I regularly reference when reviewing our existing HR programs and practices.”

Sandy Begbie – Group Operations Officer
Standard Life

“Maintaining an external perspective is just one part of being an effective and commercial executive. theHRDIRECTOR brings best practice thinking in a meaningful way for those of us seeking to enable strategic opportunities and deliver competitive business advantage.”

Richard Higginson – Chartered FCIPD Reward Manager
Towry Law

“This is just about the only industry magazine that I read cover to cover, such is the quality of content and diversity of opinion. And it is not full of re-hashed press releases from companies wanting the world to know how wonderful they are.”

Rachel Lock – HR Director

“As the only magazine dedicated to HR directors, theHRDIRECTOR is my go-to source for news across the HR profession, keeping me up to date with the latest goings on and providing me with insight on key HR trends. It regularly provides me with food for thought! I look forward to future issues.”

Louis Parperis – HR Director
Bechtel Ltd

“An informed and stimulating magazine that has a good feel for the big issues.”


Julie Armstrong – Group Airlines HR Director
Thomas Cook Group Airlines

“theHRDIRECTOR gives a brilliant insight into what is going on in the industry as well as access to a professional community to share knowledge, experience and ideas. It really helps bring reality and opinion to conceptual ideas, which is what matters if you want to consider or deliver benefits to your business. A very good read!”

Jordan Archer – Deputy Director

“Your publication is fantastic – I wouldn’t be without it.”

Jack Constantinides – HR Director
Monster UK and Ireland

“theHRDIRECTOR’S focus on the senior HR Community provides me with a specific forum for keeping in touch with my peers in the industry. The magazine’s use of case studies from other senior HR professionals provide insights which relate directly to my role. I frequently use theHRDIRECTOR as a reference point during my working day.”

Hilary Stables – HR Director

“theHRDIRECTOR magazine is a useful resource for any leader looking to shape the future of their business. The articles provide an authentic commentary on a range of HR subjects which has certainly helped me to think about the art of the possible at Celesio UK. I’ve been able to take inspiration from the various case studies and insights when crafting our own award winning approach to managing and recruiting talent.”

Harvey Francis – Executive Vice President
Skanska UK

“theHRDIRECTOR is a really useful way of keeping up to date with what others are doing across all sectors, helping benchmark what we do and also providing useful insight into what else we could be considering. It has a very useful breadth in terms of the topics covered, and strikes a good balance between the right amount of depth to make it robust whilst making it easy to access the salient points given the time constrained world in which we live and do business.”

Emma Jayne – Director of Human Resources
The Savoy

“I always look forward to reading theHRDIRECTOR, I particularly find the cover story of great interest; reading about the working life and background of a fellow HR Leader is really interesting and oftentimes inspiring. The magazine is always full of relevant and practical articles, which makes it a really reliable source of information for all levels of HR professional. The content is always broad across many different topics that fall under the umbrella of HR which provides me with much food for thought.”

Connie Gibney – HR Director

“Our industry is undergoing one of the biggest changes in its history with the rise of new technologies and best practice. I find theHRDIRECTOR a key resource in guiding me through these critical developments.”

Christine Pearson – Business and Management Lecturer
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College

“theHRDIRECTOR publication is one of the best journals I have used and is a valuable resource for anyone involved with lecturing on business and human resource issues or anyone in a human resource management capacity.”

Brian Newman – Vice President of Human Resources
Live Nation Entertainment

“I look forward to receiving theHRDIRECTOR as it gives me access to relevant people, developments and stories across my profession, looking both within other businesses through the valuable case studies and a higher level viewpoint across sectors and International markets. I consider it a reliable source of information providing me with valuable insight which contributes to my own continued development and the HR expertise I can bring to the business. It’s a little bit of virtual networking, and also a really good read”.

Denice Angiolini – Paid Media Program Manager
Thomas International UK Ltd

“It was a great session and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it too. The information you provided and how you bounced off each other was perfect. We had some great questions through the Q&A too. And thank you very much to you Peter for guiding us through, hosting and keeping us on track! It was brilliant!”


To watch the webinar, click here


Stephanie Jeanmougin – Senior Manager, EMEA Strategic Marketing Programs

“Absolutely loved working with you and Jason. Really enjoyed the responsiveness, the way Jason moderated the roundtable and the peace of mind you guys provided me on the logistics side of things. The event was a major success on our side and Rob has been raving about it to all of EMEA.”


“Thank you for organising such a fantastic event, we had great feedback from our participants’ Viren and David. I look forward to reading the Report as it sounds like there were some interesting topics raised. I am keen to arrange more of the roundtable events so I will feed this back to the team and see when we can get another one scheduled.”

Manish Grover – Marketing
Northgate HR

“theHRDIRECTOR magazine always plays a key role in Northgate HR’s marketing campaigns; it has its finger firmly on the pulse of the HR industry.”

Catherine McMenamin
ORC Worldwide

“ORC Worldwide hold an ongoing directory entry with theHRDIRECTOR listings. This provides exposure to generalist HR practitioners throughout the UK, and has the ability to demonstrate the amount of interest on the listing per quarter to provide tracking information. The magazine itself also runs frequent advertising for HR service providers, and the advertising team keep our organisation up to date with timely offers and opportunities to advertise alongside relevant articles.”

Marc Holland – Managing Director
PTP Training & Marketing Ltd

“PTP Training & Marketing Ltd have found theHRDIRECTOR to be an excellent magazine to promote our wide range of management and customer care courses. They have certainly helped us with increasing our customer base which now includes over 40% of the FTSE 100.”

Richard Harnden – Managing Director
The Lighthouse Agency

“Professional, insightful, helpful. An excellent forum for the senior HR market.”

Makbool Javaid – Partner
Simons Muirhead & Burton

“In an ever-changing, fast moving, competitive environment, and against a background of ever-increasing complex employment legislation, HR have to be at the leading edge, delivering best practice, legally compliant people management practices, which get the best out of the people. That’s why I consider it a privilege to be on the Editorial Panel of HR Director, as well as contributing articles and providing up-to-date employment law news for the website, as there is no doubt in my mind that HR Director is the magazine of choice for senior HR specialists wanting practical, proactive commentary and advice on both strategic and day-today human resource issues, enabling them to be one step ahead and to be regarded as change agents operating at the top of their profession.”

Alex Shacklock – Director of Marketing & Innovation
theGrogroup Ltd

“As a director of a consultancy that sets out to help HR Directors align their plans and people initiatives with vision and strategy of their business, theHRDIRECTOR magazine provides essential insight into the current topics, challenges and pain-points that our clients are facing and tackling. Where the magazine really adds value is in the ‘advice’ that it gives both directly and more subtly. Whilst many other publications provide facts and/or research, theHRDIRECTOR doesn’t sit on the fence – it’s articles and editorial add in opinion and, often, even those essential next steps to take. My monthly reading experience usually includes making a lot of notes and churning out ideas on the back of the deep and varied content.”

Niamh Newman, Regional People Manager
Haines Watts

It was lovely to meet you and the other guests at the HRDRINKS event last week. Looking forward to joining you all again throughout 2023.
Annual HRDrinks

Sisa Sibanda, HR Director

Thank you for organising such a great social last night. It was a lot of fun.
Annual HRDrinks

Mark Taggart, Vice-President, Group Talent & Development, People & Culture Team
RS Group

Thank you for a great evening. I am not sure I took full advantage of the networking opportunities as I sat in one place for ages! I’ll have to rectify that next time.
Annual HRDrinks

Yasmeen Seth, Head of People
UK & Ireland, Generation UK & Ireland

Thank you so much for hosting us. It was lovely evening and great opportunity to connect with HR folks.

Annual HRDrinks

Mark Taylor, People Director
Constellation Automotive Group

Thank you so much for hosting us. It was lovely evening and great opportunity to connect with HR folks.

Annual HRDrinks

Tim McCarthy, Senior Lead Training & Support Services
Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR)

Thank you for a fabulous Christmas Party last Thursday evening. It was great fun and I met some very interesting people.

Annual HRDrinks

Alison Davies, Head of Business Partnering

Thank you for such a lovely evening, I really enjoyed it.

Annual  HRDrinks – 2023

Marjorie James – Group Director of People
YMCA St Paul’s Group

It was a stimulating discussion and a great opportunity to share and learn. Thank you!

Paul Neville – Positive Change Provocateur, ‘Play to Strengths’ Advocate, Strategic minded leader and NED/Trustee

I was delighted to be invited to contribute to the debate and more so hear great insights and ideas from others around the table. Lots to reflect upon and put into practice. Can’t wait to see the distillation into HRD article.

Anshoo Kapoor – Head: Recruitment UK&I
Tata Consultancy Services Limited

Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity. So much to learn and such valuable insights from everyone. Will be great to keep in touch! Look forward to the edits. Thank you for hosting us.

Lana Hooper – Venues Head of L&D and Support HR
Rank Group

Thank you for the afternoon, the lovely food (there was so much!) and the great conversation. I came away with a lot to think about for our organisation. I also appreciated the diversity in the room.

Thom Dennis- CEO
Serenity in Leadership

Thank you so much for inviting me to join you yesterday. I felt very privileged to be part of such a highly informed conversation. I also very much appreciated your hospitality and the way you and Jason framed and directed the day. Once again, many thanks indeed.

Jeremy Sutton – CEO
3 Minute Mile

Thank you so much Peter!  I very much enjoyed the opportunity to meet and learn from all the wonderful people in the room. I very much appreciated all their time, expertise, and contributions. Peter – it was a real pleasure to work with you and Jason. Thanks again for introducing us to such a wonderful group.

Chloe Flatt, Marketing Events Manager


I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for organising and running the debate yesterday. I’ve received some great feedback from Nick and Olly who both felt extremely happy with how it went. I realise that the conditions this was organised in were far from ideal. But, we are so grateful that you worked tirelessly to ensure that there were a. enough people around the table and b. they were the right people who were engaged and open to having a good discussion. Thanks so much once again.

Matt Dowie, Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leader

Great to be part of this really important discussion on DEI data. Here’s to a more evidence-based approach to DEI strategies and initiatives moving forwards!

Jo Regan-Iles, Chief People Officer

Really enjoyed attending the debate to discuss ‘Meaningful Data to share DE&I’. Thank you for providing the opportunity to allow the group to come together and discuss diversity, equity and inclusion. Such a powerful session with an inspiring group with so many ideas and so nice to meet in person.

Ekta Goel, Global HR Manager
Ferguson Enterprises

It was wonderful to meet all of my peers, hear about the challenges that everyone is facing in this crucial journey of diversity and inclusion and some of the industry best practices.

Look forward to the future sessions.

Peter Howarth, Co-Managing Director
Armstrong Craven

Thank you so much for the opportunity to partner with your event, it was great to meet everyone yesterday. I really enjoyed the session and I think we could have gone on longer had time allowed.

Amar Bachu, Head of Employee Experience & Talent Development
Panasonic UK

Thanks so much for yesterday’s session, it was a great group and I very much enjoyed the conversations. It is clear HR leaders are prioritising creating more agile approaches to Succession Planning.

Julie Armstrong, Chief People Officer

Thanks for facilitating a great session – very thought provoking!  It was a pleasure to meet everyone.

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Read the latest digital issue of theHRDIRECTOR for FREE